None of Genesis is literal in the sense that we would understand. Their histories and stories were written for a religious purpose by several groups.
There are two Creation stories, one written about a God named EL and a very different account by a group that used the name YHWH from the very start of their account
Let me illustrate by looking at the YHWH Creation story which starts at Genesis 2:4b.
The authors, who were a literate minority, belonged to the "YHWH-only" movement. The vast bulk of the nation were polytheists, both at the family level and in the royal household. Not only did they worship YHWH as a major God but they had other Gods, including the Goddess Asherah. She had been EL's wife but the masses assigned her to be YHWH's consort (wife). She or her symbols are mentioned (grudgingly, no doubt) about 40 times in the OT.
Asherah's symbol was a tree. So we have people believing they would get their needs met by this goddess who was symbolised by a tree. It takes little thought to see the "Tree of Life" symbolism in Eden. So we have a woman and a tree of life deceiving Man.
The snake also had positive symbolism. Consider how Moses' snakes were more powerful than Pharaoh's or the positive effect when Moses elevated a snake. It is even used to symbolize Jesus.
And Satan had not developed the image it received during Europe's "Dark Ages".
Thus we have this situation where the 'YHWH-only" writers created a story that attacked every element they hated within their community.
If you want to discover more about the way they created history (historiography) study the Deuteronomic History and the context of the time it was written. Someone in the Persian Era (Ezra??) did not agree with the slant taken by the Deuteronomists, so he wrote the writings we call 1 and 2 Chronicles.